Graduation Time -2009
Sikhula Sonke is training and mentoring more than 60 Educare centres at present, and approx. 1,500 children leave these pre-schools to enter the formal schooling system in 2010. It is logistically impossible to have a combined Graduation celebration for all the children at the same time, and so once again we have held a ceremony for a few of the smaller pre-schools in our fold. It was a very special time to mark an important passage of the childrens’ life-journey, with proud parents and family joining to sing and celebrate. Thank you to Mdebuka and your team for another well-organised event. To all the children and parents we say, stand firm as you face the many challenges and problems that will come your way as you continue to seek wisdom and knowledge, and remember that you are not alone- we have our families, friends, community members and most of all a loving Heavenly Father who will never leave us and who has a special plan for each of our lives!
At 11:21 AM ,
Nwai said...
Uphi uGcogco xa kunje?
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